Last night we went to a 'Trunk or Treat' at the church next door. I watched my 3 year olds collect candy and play carnival games like big kids. Ella was the leader with Maxwell following shyly behind her. On Wednesday we are going to meet Mike in Monterey and let the kids do Halloween there.
amazing are these costumes that my mother in law made? After she did such a good job with their outfits last year, I asked for her help again. Judie hand made almost every part of these. The kids were so proud to be Tinkerbell and Buzz Light Year. Thanks Judie!
Here's a look at our Halloween decorations this year. It's a little tacky but fun. I'm obsessed with printing out engineer prints at Staples. For $2.99 I blew old photos up and cut them out to decorate. Michael and Little Maeg are the in middle as the scarecrow and Dorothy. You can see our hand made crafts thrown in :)

For 70 cents I printed this out as an 11 x 14 on card stock at Staples and threw it in a frame (found image free on pinterest)

That's it. Can't believe winter's right around the corner. We're still in flip flops and shorts.
Their costumes are so cute!! And your decorations are not tacky. I love those print outs!
So cute!
Their costumes are amazing!!! I love the prints you have up from their costumes in years past, those are so cool!!!
i love your kids costumes! and we have a trunk or treat at our church too, it is always a fun event. love your halloween decorations
how i love your cute twinsies!
So fun! Oliver was Buzz for Halloween too! We need to get our boys together!
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