Thursday, May 12, 2011

In 24 Hours...

In 24 hours I will be in Santa Barbara with my beautiful Little Maeg. I am sooooooooooooooo excited for this mini trip. Do you ever notice that fun things always seem to happen all at once? It had been a long time since we'd gotten away and then boom- Camping at the beach/Santa Barbara last weekend/and now SB again. AND, in 36 days (yes, I'm counting) I meet my college girlfriends, my best girlfriends, in Pasadena for another girl's trip! FOR FOUR NIGHTS! I need to mention that we planned this pretty poorly, scheduling our girl's trip on Father's Day weekend. I know, how amazing are our husband for agreeing to this anyway. Mike sent me to Seattle last June which was last time I was away from the kids for more than one night. I think I love June.

When I say I am sooooooooooooo excited about tomorrow, what I actual mean is I can't wait for:

1. Girl time. Maeg and I will try on a different outfits (before I settle on what I already know I'm going to wear, because it's the only thing that fits). She will do my makeup (because at 30 years old, I still don't know how). We will giggle and sing out loud to whatever's playing on the radio. We will take a bazillion pictures and smile all day/night long.

2. Alone time. I get to spend a whole day being self centered. I'll worry about when I want to eat. When I want to sleep (And to wake up when I want! sprawled out on my own mattress without little ones wondering at all hours). I'll hop in the car at the drop of a hat and...just go. Even packing will be fun and not overwhelming- because whatever I forget, will just be for me. Back at the home front: baths, poop, manners, safety- Daddy's got in under control :)

3. The concert. I love all different types of music, but I've let that part of me go. I always used to be discovering some new band. Now, I just listen to the radio. I got an IPOD for Christmas two years ago, and I only have about 60 songs on it. I haven't made the time to pursue music as an interest like I used to. I can hardly wait for that buzz you get from hearing good, live music.

4. Coming home. Because ever time I get to go out and have 'me time,' I'm a better Mom when I get home. Seeing those faces light up when I return is about the sweetest thing a Mama could ask for.

Be prepared for picture overload on my return!

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