Saturday, January 7, 2012


New Years Day I turned 31. And I can honestly say, every year just keeps getting better. Mike and I spent NYE with Crystal and Andy. In typical girly style, we happily posed for the camera (meaning we trust it at Andy and said 'Take our picture! Take our picture!') but forgot to take pictures with the guys. They came over for drinks and we went out to yummy dinner. It was just what I wanted.

The next day some girlfriends took me out to lunch. No photos for that, but it sure was fun. The best part of my day? When I was getting dropped off from my girl's day, Maxwell and Ella ran out the front door waving something at me. When they got to the car they proudly showed me the special plates and napkins Daddy let them pick out for my birthday cake. They were so excited. It was my favorite moment of the day. Later, Mike barbequed and we had a mellow family dinner. Just my style.

As far as New Year's resolutions...I've never taken them too seriously. I seem to make new ones all year long. But if I really think about it, I'd like to work on these.

- Join the rest of America and eat better (get skinny). But really stay at a weight I'm comfortale at. And eat better so that my kids see my food choices and we regulalry eat well as a family.
- Set time aside for writing. I really enjoy writing, but blogging is the only writing I do. And as much as I share on here...ther's a lot I don't. I've always dreamed about writing a book (like every other girl) but my best writing comes when I'm honest. So I need a private place to write. And I need to intentinally set time aside to do that. Or another will go by.
- Potty train Maxwell. Ella's using the toilet like a champ now. I need to start spending that time with Maxwell.

I'm sure I have more, but as I wrote that I just heard a scream from the other room. Better check that out. Happy New year, a week late, to you and yours :)


Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

Wonderful photos! Neither of my kids are potty trained. Be happy you have one under your belt. P.S. Keira is 2 1/2. Henry 4!!!! OMG. I need to crawl in a hole now...

rozanny said...

Happy birthday! I'm glad it was a good one! I don't know about you, but I honestly feel like the older I get, I'm not older... just more accomplished. And I'm glad to look back at the year that can be added to my age.

Unknown said...

oh man your kids are cute.
happy birthday megs! i wish you a year of great joy and accomplishment! xo

Anna @ IHOD said...

You know I used to dread the thirties but I can now say I am looking forward to it. As with each year of my life, it brings new wonderful things. Happy birthday and hope this year is blessed!