Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Don't forget to see the good

I rewrote this post a few times because I needed to get stuff out. But then I realized I couldn't save it. Because I don't know who reads this. And I don't always want to talk about what I write about. Often that's the whole point of writing for me, it's an obvious outlet. I guess I was looking for a way to write down...that I feel guarded and lonely this week. You'd think that would mean I want to talk about it and be around people. But I don't. I suppose this is a bit of a pity party, but there's nothing specific to feel bad about. You ever have those times where your heart just kind of hurts? And then you feel even worse because you look around and there's so much good? I don't know. I'm really fine. In fact, look at what I have to smile about. Ella is really into looking out our bedroom door. She can't wait for this great big world.

And in spite of his two new teeth coming through, Maxwell is sure
one happy boy.

Thank you Lord for my family and all that you've given me. I look around and realize that I am blessed. I know you are with me.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

With Meg

Little Meg invited me to her work Christmas party yesterday. So much fun! Yummy food, bubbly, bocce ball, and an amazing home. Thanks for wanting to hang out with me Meg~

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009


This afternoon we went to see Santa. Partly because that's what you do with kids at Christmas. But mostly, it was for me. Because I have dreamed about being able to do this for the past four years.
As we wait our turn in line...Ella knows something is up.
Really, Mom? Another picture?
Maxwell doesn't mind.

It's our turn! Maxwell is...intrigued.
And Ella...not so much. We'll try again next year Sweets.
In other news- we had fun visiting our friends Drew and Kaden last week.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Ella has been really into leaves. Which confirms that when we get our Christmas tree it will be up on a table. If she had her way, she would eat sweet potatoes and leaves all day long.

Maxwell and Ella are both pulling themselves up. They are initially delighted when they accomplish this, until they are left alone and they realize they are stuck and don't know what to do next. At this point they either cry or fall.

This is Maxwell's hilarious new pose. This wasn't hard to capture on camera, as he takes frequent breaks in his day to 'lounge.' We joke that we need to buy him some boxer shorts. I can't help but think of George Costanza whenever I see him doing this...


Friday, December 4, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

So Big

Today I tried to upload pictures from our Thanksgiving road trip to Utah...and I thought my computer was crashing and I was losing all our photos. Talk about panic. I figured it out and everything is fine, but our computer is playing nasty tricks on me and I NEED an external hard dive to backup all our media. I realize we need to live in the moment and cherish our memories in our heads and hearts...but I LOVE photographs. I would be heartbroken to lose them. All this to say, I was going to give a recap of our trip but I'm tired so I'll say this. We drove (OK, Mike drove) straight through both ways. The babies did awesome. A little crying but they truly are joyful little munchkins. We were totally welcomed and felt right at home with amazing friends- thank you Barretts! We loved our time together with you and all the kids. Sleeping in the motor home was the hardest part of the trip, but the amazing news...da-da-da...when we got home we decided to FINALLY transition Maxwell into his own bed, and...he is officially sleeping on his own, in his own crib for all naps and bedtime :) :) :). I am afraid to write that because every time I say something out loud I end up contradicting myself, but I have faith that he will continue loving his own bed (and we will continue loving ours! alone!). Tonight will only be the third night, but so far he is only waking up once! BEAUTIFUL.

This is a bit of a jumbled post because I'm sleepy and still nervous about the almost loss of pictures, but I wanted to say hello. And post a few pictures. To show you that they are so big. Seriously big.

Maxwell helps his Dad put bindings on the snowboard
Ella makes silly noises 'da da da da ma ma ma ma' while she blows bubbles
When we go out, they are in high chairs now. High chairs! They're practically ready for a kids menu.

The ultimate Maxwell and Ella treat- In Utah the Barrett's had a big screen TV set up, huge screen, like the movies. Saturday night's special feature for the babies...Baby Einstein! Their FAVORITE.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Happy Birthday to the original Vita, my Grandmother, whom I will always call Blano- because somehow as a little girl I decided that's what her name would be. Thank you for loving us so much and being there always. All week we've been thinking about last year and the time we got to spend together at your house. Can't wait to see you soon.

Enjoy your birthday! Love you~