Monday, October 4, 2010


One of the blogs I read is of an acquaintance/friend who lives in another state. I have her on my favorite blogs to check and one day I was looking through her archives to find pictures of a laundry room remodel that she did. I kept getting interrupted and coming back to it, apparently logging back into her site over and over. That's when I scrolled down and saw 'Feedjit,' and I read that 'a visitor from Atascadero', ME, had visited over and over. Ummm...kind of embarrassing. Why? I don't know. I guess I'm afraid someone would think it was weird if I was looking at their site? I read blogs of friends, acquaintances, and strangers. But I don't always comment. Partly because I don't make the time, and partly because I don't always have something to say. But I know I love reading comment on my blog. And I don't think it's weird when new people leave them.

All this to say, I added the Feedjit widget to my blog. And I don't want it to to freak anyone out like it does me. I'm just curious to see if anyone is reading. I haven't even taken the time to look at it and see exactly how it works. If I see that 'someone from ... visited,' I won't think it's creepy, I'll think it's fun that someone is reading about my family. Has anyone else been embarrassed when they saw Feedjit? Am I just weird?


Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

I don't know what it is but I want it!! :-)

Not creepy at all...

Bethany said...

I always read your blog, but don't comment cause I am lazy haha!! But I love it! But I have you on my reader so I don't think that will pull it up! P.S. I think I am the one in San Jose (but I am in palo alto :)

Carrie said...

you're not weird, your honest!! I confessed to you this summer that I love reading your blog especially with us being so far away....and called myself your "stalker" :)

rozanny said...

I think it's kind of cool... especially when you get lots of different places and people...

brian, meghan, finley, and adalaide said...

hahaha. you crack me up, meghan. i found out about feedjit the same way, but i'm sure you'll see that most everyone is a blog stalker. i think it's fun, and only creepy when someone comes to your blog by googling "little girl in underwear". now i'm more careful about the words i use!

~j~ said...

I am laughing my head off! This is a great post Meg and now you will know of all your faithful stalkers :))

lindaroo said...

I haven't thought it's creepy, even when I did the same thing, and made multiple visits to the same blog at one sitting. I just thought about how that blogger would wonder what it was that I found so fascinating, and where in the world is Santa Maria, CA??

Unknown said...

oh great, now you're gonna know that I AM the lurker ;)

Jen said...

Okay, now that you have Feedjit I guess I can't hide that I vist your blog every few days! Your blog is a breath of fresh air. I love to read your honest approach to motherhood and see your cute family!

emily said...

another option is to use Google Analytics which will track everything so that only you can access it!

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

I just read your comment about having a beer and I'm with you! Sometimes you need a couple just to relax and it is a reward. :-)

Charbelle said...

I've noticed that when you click older post and it takes you back then it shows that you've visited more than once. I love these tools because then you get to see where everyone is coming from who reads your blog!!