They were SO proud to wear their costumes to a Trunk or Treat last night. I intended to draw a mustache on Mario but then realized A. I don't wear makeup and didn't know what to use. B. Didn't feel like buying any. I'll find some for Halloween. Thank you Grandma J for their outfits!!!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Mario And Princess Peach
When it came to choosing costumes this year, Maxwell chose Mario. Obviously. Because he thinks he IS Mario. Which is kind of weird, no? What is the infatuation with a 30 year old plumber? Sure he shoots fireballs, but really I just don't think he's that cool. Which matters zero. So Mario was the clear choice for Maxwell and Ella went along with Princess Peach because any princess is magical to her. For the third year in a row, Grandma Judie made them amazing costumes. Check out years past she made of Buzz and Tink, and Woody and Jesse.
They were SO proud to wear their costumes to a Trunk or Treat last night. I intended to draw a mustache on Mario but then realized A. I don't wear makeup and didn't know what to use. B. Didn't feel like buying any. I'll find some for Halloween. Thank you Grandma J for their outfits!!!
They were SO proud to wear their costumes to a Trunk or Treat last night. I intended to draw a mustache on Mario but then realized A. I don't wear makeup and didn't know what to use. B. Didn't feel like buying any. I'll find some for Halloween. Thank you Grandma J for their outfits!!!
four years old,
Princess Peach
Thursday, October 17, 2013
We took our annual pumpkin photos with our twin friends.
Don't blink, these kids are practically off to high school. Sniff, sniff.

We missed pictures last year but here are the Octobers before...It's not that I want to stunt who they are now, it's just that I want to visit who they were. I want to hear their voices and squeeze their little bodies.

Ahhh, sweet girl's mullet.
The kids stayed still just long enough for me to snap a few pictures. I'm not above bribing with lollipops. Our days feel full, we like October.
We missed pictures last year but here are the Octobers before...It's not that I want to stunt who they are now, it's just that I want to visit who they were. I want to hear their voices and squeeze their little bodies.
Ahhh, sweet girl's mullet.
I could stare at this one all day. It's all I can do not to climb through the screen and gobble up that chubby boy of mine.
avila valley barn,
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Pretty Vs Spooky
I decorated for Fall. I wanted really simple, pretty and white. I mostly used what I had and added some free printables online into my frames and some ceramic owls from the Dollar Tree. The kids came out from quiet time and I said, "Isn't it PRETTY?!" And they kind of nodded. Then looked at each other and said, "We want spooky." Oh. Here are some pictures of our home this season. I took these with my phone. They're blurry, but you get the idea.
How cool are these ugly rats? $5 for a sheet of decals from Target, we put some on the front door and some inside.
And since I already had the wood crates from my neighbor, I thought I might as well do Halloween inside too. The spider candles are from past years and the mini chalkboards are from my kitchen.
Dollar Tree roses.
The room's a little cluttered, but it's fun. My favorite decorating is changing out frames that I already have up. It's so easy to find fun things online and either print them out at home or send them to your local copy center. I email my bigger prints to Staples.
That's it :)
So I thought I'd stack pumpkins on a few crates on the porch. I called my neighbor who has EVERYTHING in his yard. I asked if I could borrow any crates and he showed up with a bunch of crates and this cool old chest for me. I pulled dirty lanterns out of my garage and pumpkins from the house.We went to Target and splurged on this owl who hoots and a plug in pumpkin. The kids agree, now it's spooky.
How cool are these ugly rats? $5 for a sheet of decals from Target, we put some on the front door and some inside.
And since I already had the wood crates from my neighbor, I thought I might as well do Halloween inside too. The spider candles are from past years and the mini chalkboards are from my kitchen.
Dollar Tree roses.
The room's a little cluttered, but it's fun. My favorite decorating is changing out frames that I already have up. It's so easy to find fun things online and either print them out at home or send them to your local copy center. I email my bigger prints to Staples.
That's it :)
fall decorating,
fall printables,
halloween decorating,
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Little Scavengers
Last week we went on a walk down the road. The familiar trail by our house became an adventure when we searched for signs of fall (thank you scavenger hunt from Pinterest). These weeks months are getting away from me and I have to force myself to get the camera out. Has instagram replaced blogging for anyone else? Lately the kids have LOVED watching videos of themselves as babies. I love it too. I'm trying to record them more to capture them at four, because all of the sudden they're little people. And soon they'll be five. Then twelve. But for now, four's good.
four years old,
scavenger hunt
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