After struggling with infertility and then being blessed with TWO babies, I am slow to admit that it's hard. I feel like we chose to implant two embryos so we better be able to handle it. And we do. It's just that, sometimes it's hard. The past few days the babies have refused to nap at the same time (or not at all for Maxwell) resulting in grumpy afternoons. Tired babies make for a long day. I'm in the process of transferring this blog to a book to document our journey through infertility through the babies first year. I use this blog as our journal/baby book so I think it's important to be honest. And honestly, sometimes it's hard ~ my Thing 1 and Thing 2.
I think it's good to be honest, to admit that sometimes it really is hard. You have always been true to yourself on this blog, and I think that's perfect.
Life has not been easy for us with Jackson - at times it has been really hard, so hard sometimes I didn't know how we were going to make it. Sometimes all I needed was for someone else to see it, to acknowledge that life really was hard for us, to help me realize I wasn't crazy.
The truth is life is hard when a baby enters the world - any new parent will tell you that... and you have two. How much you love them, and how you would never do anything different, or want anything different, doesn't mean that there isn't pain in the process. I admire you. I think you are doing an incredible job. Max and Ella are blessed to have you.
I didn't see an email on your blog, but I had to send you a note -- I saw your comment on Girl's Gone Child and it caught my attention because I AM ALSO Meghan Elaine. And because that was so intriguing, I clicked your profile and saw you are also on the central coast!
Anyway ... your twins are so cute!!! :D
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