As I'm writing this I can't help but think back to one of my first memories of you. I had just started dating your Dad. It was summertime and you were going into the eighth grade. We were talking and you quickly warmed up to me. "You don't have to worry," you told me. I wasn't quite sure what you were talking about. "I used my Dad's last girlfriend's toothbrush to brush my dog's teeth with, but I won't do that to you. I like you." I could have been scared but I wasn't. The thing was, you really meant it. You did like me. And I liked you.You were 13 and I was 23. TWENTY-THREE. "Only 10 years between us," you still like to tell me. Always quick to point out with a smirk that there's 13 years difference between your Dad and I. Yet somehow you never really seemed to mind.
I've had the honor of watching you grow up through your adolescence. And Meg, it really has been an honor. I have never taken for granted the memories that you've allowed me to be a part of: your first Simple Plan concert, toilet papering at 2:00 a.m., piercing your nose, getting ready for prom...these are all such fun memories that you didn't have to invite me to be a part of. But you did. Thank you! I never imagined being a step mom to teenagers- I mean, who are we kidding? Wasn't I just a teenager? But what an awesome gift it is. You and Michael are incredible and the words I love you don't seem strong enough.
I am proud of all that you've done through your peer class at school. You really have embraced the role of being a leader and I love hearing about all that you do for our community. Those are priceless character traits that I pray you continue to grow. Looking outside of yourself to serve others will always end up blessing you too.
I am so glad Maxwell and Ella have you as their big sister. I know our lives have changed a lot in the past few months, but you have welcomed it with a big smile. Your love for the babies is such a blessing to them, and to your father and I. We have a pretty great family, don't ya think?
Today you graduate from High School and it's time to celebrate! Time to celebrate all the great choices you've made, and the future that is yours for the taking. I can't wait to see the things that are yet to come...because I know they will be outstanding.
Love, love, love you. Soak it all up and enjoy this special day.
Your stepmotha,
Big Meghan

wow what a wonderful step mom huh? I couldnt believe I was blessed with such amazing people in my life! I love love love love you. but seriously meghan I could not imagin my life with out you.. and I look at these babies and I could never imagin my life with out them either! I was sitting in the doctors office yesterday and they were asking me all these things that might cause stress to my life and asked if it was my parents being divorced and I thought about it and answered with if I didnt have such an amazing mom I would want my step mom meghan for my mom so no that brings no stress to my life.. I just want you to know you mean the world to me and seriously what other step mom would take me and my friends toilet papering at 2:00 in the morning? who would have gotten me ready for my soph and my junior prom? I honestly dont know. I love you very much and cherish all the memories we have together. your an amazing step mom/ mom and I hope you know that! <3lil meg
This is such a crazy awesome post. I'm glad I found you.
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