a. Haven't had time with two sick ones.
b. Too tired at night.
c. Not much to say. Boogers. Fever. Cough. Not too exciting.
Whatever they had has turned into a yucky cough and wheezing. I feel like people think I'm that crazy Mom who thinks her kids are always sick. Or even worse, that psycho mom who keeps her kids sick...remember that lady in the movie The Sixth Sense? Why would I think that? Because they have been sick for SIX WEEKS and I'm going slightly crazy. Anyway, this week I felt like we would just wait out whatever this sickness is and pray that we are almost over the last of it. Until Ella started coughing yesterday. For over 45 minutes she coughed and wheezed hard and I didn't know how to help her. I took her to the urgent care and a nice, elderly (like, seriously old) doctor helped us. He looked at her ears and Ella still has a double ear infection. As I held her against me I felt her little body huffing and puffing, though the coughing had stopped. He listened to her lungs and with a smile he told me, "Well I just don't hear a thing." At which point I wanted smash the stethoscope over his head and ask if he was @#$*@&! kidding me. Instead I explained that I could hear her right then and I was concerned with what I should do if she started coughing for another long stretch. To be honest, I couldn't really understand what he said. I realize that's the time that you ask questions and advocate for your child. But this was all happening as Maxwell was screaming in the stroller and Ella started to cry/moan/wheeze. We had been waiting for two hours and at this point we were all done. Anyway, I called my pediatrician and yada yada yada I feel OK with our new dose of antibiotics. The point of this post is just to say...this is why I haven't been posting. I feel like I would either write to complain, or sound like a martyr 'poor us.' Not too exciting to read about.
I also realize that although we have had a rough month, this will pass. Many families struggle with much worse. Our kids do not have cancer. They are not disabled. They are not in the hospital. We are OK and soon enough this will be over. I am so thankful for our overall health. Maxwell and Ella are not miserable all day everyday. They have bouts of smiles and playing. This morning I took the camera out and this is a typical morning around here when they are feeling alright.
Points of interest in these photos: Yes, I know Ella has a mullet. I'm not sure how to handle it so I cleverly tried to disguise it with a headband. Which lasted two minutes longer than I thought it would.
Both kids know exactly what to do with Kleenex and the thermometer.
I think it's adorable that they kiss each other, but we are working on close mouthed kisses.
As always, please ignore the annoying mommy voice in the videos. It's a habit I just can't break.
They are both so precious. I love that headband/flower!
My kids have been sick too! I took Amaris in today and she also has an ear infection. The doctor said it was pretty bad... seriosly??? She never even complained.... guess when you have had heart surgery your pain tolerance is higher than most. Go figure... Nikao had mastered escaping into the front yard and street.. scary! He was out in the yard one morning talking to the kids walking to school .... yeah, I suck as a mom
:( I had Mike install a third lock on the front door and I think that took care of him.. until he figures that one out too. Ha ! When the weather gets nice lets meet for coffee and walk the bob jones trail. There has to be a day where both are kids are not coughing up lungs....
Love you!
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