It has been over a month since we've all been sick. We just keep passing it back and forth. Once I think we are well, someone starts feeling bad again. Last weekend Ella started running a fever, this week she got up to 106 degrees. Poor baby has an ear infection but she's on the mend, dreaming of smiles and motorcyle rides. Maxwell has been amazing, patiently sharing my attention and playing on his own. He is such a good natured boy.
We ran to Target today and when I stopped the car and turned around in my seat, this is what I saw. Sister not feeling great and brother holding her hand.

Totally teared up and remembered that having twins is the best thing ever. It's been hard this month taking care of sick babies. Dividing my attention and feeling a wee bit overwhelmed with arms constantly clinging to me isn't the glamourous picture I usually post. But it's real life. Having two babies isn't just 'cute.' It's also double the diapers, food on the floor, crying, etc. But when I see the two of them together, loving each other, it really is as great as I make it sound. Actually, better. I love them loving each other.
Too Cute!!!! I love it and them! Sent that pic to some co-workers who love cute babies which they are! xoxo
What you and Mike experience with the twins is so special...thank you for sharing with the rest of us!
oh my goodness. that's probably the cutest thing i've ever seen. what sweet babies!
That is so sweet! It makes me excited for Ollie to have a sister to take care of!
That is the cutest!
that is just so sweet. i think i might be tearing up right now.
that is the cutest thing I have ever seen :). We have all been sick too... it is really hard. When everyone is well lets walk bob jones together and catch up..
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