Super exciting news...we find out what the babies are going to be in...6 DAYS!!!
I CAN'T WAIT! Thank you to Mike who agreed to find out. He was wanting it to be a surprise, but I'm not good with surprises. I just have to know! I have been waiting so long to be pregnant that I want to enjoy this part. I want to decorate and buy cute things. It's another experience that's going to make feel even more real. The doctor we'll be seeing is a specialist in SLO that we'll be seeing monthly. It feels good to know we are getting such good care. Because we're having twins we'll be seeing my regular OBGYN once a month, and this doctor once a month as well. I think. We'll find out more at our ultrasound appointment next Monday. (You know, Monday, when we get to find out what we're having :)))))))))))))))))))))))).

What a great visual diagram of how the babies are fitting into wonder you are having a hard time breathing etc!
Megs, i can't wait til tomorrow! Call me when you find out...and in case you have a girl and you can't think of a name...'molly' is pretty cute...and it starts with an M...perfect!
bong da so
keo bong da
ket qua bong da
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