YAY! Yesterday we had our last appointment with the reproductive endocrinologist. He performed an ultrasound and this is what we saw...
Mike and I are SO EXCITED. I have been really sick so this was a great reminder that everything is going well and we have healthy babies in there. I start back to work on Monday, which I'm hoping will be a good distraction from all the morning (all day) sickness. I figure it won't be fun feeling yucky at work, but at least I will have distractions throughout my day. I am eight weeks along and I have officially graduated from the fertility doctor. Next week I have an appointment with my regular OBGYN. I get to be a normal pregnant woman :)
Congrats on TWO babies! Yay, you're pregnant!! I am so excited for you!
congrats! twins, how exciting!
I am so thankful...thankful to the Lord, thankful for the twins, thankful that these babies will be so loved by M & M and thankful that I am going to be a grandma!!!
What a blessing! My sister has twins, a boy and a girl. If you ever want to talk or ask questions she would have some fun info. This is going to be such a wonderful journey for your family.
okay, we seriously need to talk! look how precious those little babies are! what miracles...praise God! now do we go shopping?
oh meghan!! this is wonderful news! 2 sets of twins in our family? how fun! i love you all so much! its going to be great!
TWINS! I am so happy that all is going well. My great grandmother had twins, so you can see it's been awhile for this side of the family. You and Mike are going to be great parents. Even though Mike has Michael and Maegann, this will be a totally different experience for him. God is good.
I love you.
I am so happy you are having twins i was gonna have twins too but i lost one but the otherone is in great condition iam 8 weeks pregnant right now and iam so happy.
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