Monday, March 26, 2012
Old Hollywood
It was a fun, busy weekend! After complaining about never going to the movies, I went twice. I saw the Hunger Games Friday night (liked it, but as always, never as good as the book), and yesterday we took the kids to see The Lorax. They barely made a peep as they shoveled popcorn in their mouths and wobbled in their big seats. I had to force myself to look at the screen because I just wanted to stare at their huge eyes and expressions the whole time.
Michael was home this weekend for his best friend Kimmie's bridal shower Saturday night. We had such a good time! Her friends turned their beach home into an Old Hollywood spectacular. I forgot my camera so I only have the pictures off Michael's phone. Guests arrived to a red carpet with a vintage car in the driveway. We mingled in mink stoles and sparkling jewels (I wore my mother in laws gloves and her mother's mink...I wish we always dressed like this). The champagne flowed and the food was delicious! Kimmie glowed like a Hollywood starlet, I can't wait for her wedding in May.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Last Week
What have we been up to? Not much I guess. We had yucky weather last week and just kind of hung around. Mike was working out of town and we tend to get lonely. We spent the night at my parents and with my brothers, which is always fun. Yesterday it finally warmed up and we played with the hose and buckets out front, but it was too pretty to even think about getting the camera.
The play structure has the kids every bit as entertained as I'd hoped. I LOVE watching them play right out my kitchen window.

Another afternoon was spent building train tracks. I remember when I had the help them, now they do on their own.
Another afternoon was spent building train tracks. I remember when I had the help them, now they do on their own.
...And that's about it. Oh, and I read The Hunger Games. In one day. I didn't know much about it but I usually don't get into things with that much hype around them. I wasn't a Twilight or Harry Potter fan. But I LOVED it. I couldn't put it down and now I'm anxious to see the movie. Even though I haven't been to see an adult movie since before the kids were born. Truly.
Monday, March 12, 2012
From Maeg
My 20 year old stepdaughter Maegann started her own blog awhile back. I sat down in front of the computer to eat my lunch today and found this sweet post she wrote to Maxwell and Ella. I love it. I love her.
Her blog, Here In The Sticks.
Her blog, Here In The Sticks.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Hello Sunshine
I can never chose one photo. Because each one I look at reminds me of each moment, and I want to relive it all over again. And then there's the videos. If I take the time now to make quick video, it's done and I'll have it forever. (This is me convincing myself that it's entirely worth the time to blog it all).
Yesterday was full of sunshine. I had a house to clean and stuff to do, but I chose the beach instead and said a prayer of thanks that I get to stay at home with my kids. We met my brother David and had the best morning. As shown in the many photos and video :)
Yesterday was full of sunshine. I had a house to clean and stuff to do, but I chose the beach instead and said a prayer of thanks that I get to stay at home with my kids. We met my brother David and had the best morning. As shown in the many photos and video :)
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Birthday Hoedown!
Maxwell and Ella are three! We had the best day celebrating in our backyard with friends and family. They had requested a Toy Story 2 it was cowboy all the way. I had so much fun getting ready for it. Although, it became a love/hate relationship with Pinterest because I could NOT STOP looking up ideas and I had to remind myself over and over 'it's about the kids, it's about the kids.'
- The kids decorating cupcakes with my Mom
- Their faces when the bounce house came
- MY face when our neighbor brought over and old door for me to decorate and hang cowboy hats from
- Mike's yummy BBQ
- Ella's meltdown before/during 'Happy Birthday' and blowing out candles
- Watching them open their Jesse and Woody dolls from Gma J
- Maxwell walking around to his friends thanking them and giving hugs after gifts
- My kids keeping up with their friends and cousins until far past dark
I took way too many pictures and this is only some of them. You can see the rest here. I wish I had less photos of decorations and more good ones of my little cowpokes.
I am so sad Picnik is closing. I finally figured out how to do all sorts of fun things with it. Like...making Wanted posters of my kids and all the little buckaroos.
Did you know that you can blow up prints at Staples for $2.99?! I made these posters from pictures of their Jesse/Woody Halloween costumes.
I made the cupcake toppers in picnik too, then inserted them into a word document and printed out on card stock at Staples. My Mom made the yummy cupcakes and Grandma Judie made Ms. Ella special cookies of Jesse's hat.
You know that picture on Pinterest with the lemonade? We did ice tea.
This was the best we got as far as a family photo. Michael's coming home next weekend to celebrate so maybe we can get a better one with the four kids.
This was right before Ella's meltdown. He is really annoyed I interrupted him from the puzzle in his hand.
Sweet girl takes a break from crying to blow out her candle.
She opened her talking Jesse doll from Grandma. Look how happy Max is for her :)
The morning after. All smiles in their new play house.
It was a really special day. Thanks to everyone who shared western props with me (BETTY). And to my Mom and mother in law for helping me cook/bake. AND to our friends who helped before and during the party.
- The kids decorating cupcakes with my Mom
- Their faces when the bounce house came
- MY face when our neighbor brought over and old door for me to decorate and hang cowboy hats from
- Mike's yummy BBQ
- Ella's meltdown before/during 'Happy Birthday' and blowing out candles
- Watching them open their Jesse and Woody dolls from Gma J
- Maxwell walking around to his friends thanking them and giving hugs after gifts
- My kids keeping up with their friends and cousins until far past dark
I took way too many pictures and this is only some of them. You can see the rest here. I wish I had less photos of decorations and more good ones of my little cowpokes.
I am so sad Picnik is closing. I finally figured out how to do all sorts of fun things with it. Like...making Wanted posters of my kids and all the little buckaroos.
Did you know that you can blow up prints at Staples for $2.99?! I made these posters from pictures of their Jesse/Woody Halloween costumes.
I made the cupcake toppers in picnik too, then inserted them into a word document and printed out on card stock at Staples. My Mom made the yummy cupcakes and Grandma Judie made Ms. Ella special cookies of Jesse's hat.
You know that picture on Pinterest with the lemonade? We did ice tea.
This was the best we got as far as a family photo. Michael's coming home next weekend to celebrate so maybe we can get a better one with the four kids.
This was right before Ella's meltdown. He is really annoyed I interrupted him from the puzzle in his hand.
Sweet girl takes a break from crying to blow out her candle.
She opened her talking Jesse doll from Grandma. Look how happy Max is for her :)
The morning after. All smiles in their new play house.
It was a really special day. Thanks to everyone who shared western props with me (BETTY). And to my Mom and mother in law for helping me cook/bake. AND to our friends who helped before and during the party.
Play Structure!!!
We gave Maxwell and Ella the mother of birthday gifts...a Costco play structure! It's no secret this gift is as much for me as it is for them. I have a park in my backyard! Thank you to all the Grandparents and friends who contributed as well.
The house went up the day before their big birthday hoe down. We are blessed to have great friends who came over to help.
Meanwhile inside...Maxwell helped me get ready for the party by lining up the party favor hats over and over. And over and over.
Construction out back...
...ALL day long...
...until finally it was ready!
Isn't it amazing? Come over and play!
Meanwhile inside...Maxwell helped me get ready for the party by lining up the party favor hats over and over. And over and over.
Construction out back...
...ALL day long...
...until finally it was ready!
Isn't it amazing? Come over and play!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Maxwell and Ella turn three this Sunday. And the bittersweet fact is, they're only getting older. They are my only babies so it's it's always been important for me to appreciate each moment. Part of me grieves the reality that I won't ever cradle a baby of my own again. I won't breath in that sweet newborn smell or trace creases between chubby wrists and thighs. But I got to, twice. And with two at once.
Being parents of twins continues to amaze us. I think the biggest blessing is watching the relationship between Maxwell and Ella. They are absolutely best friends, always aware of the other. They laugh, play, argue...then laugh again. I often feel like I'm watching from the outside. Like I don't actually get what's going on between them but they're laughing so hard that I'm laughing just because I'm happy. That's what these past three years have given me. Contentment. Even on the worst day, I have my kids and that's enough.
Maxwell Daniel,
Age 3:
Weight: 34.3 (75%)
Height: 38 (50th%)
You love milk, Toy Story, numbers and your family. I think you tell me 15 times a day that you love me, and it's usually unprompted. You give hugs and kisses and you are so, so silly. You like to make people laugh, especially Ella. You refer to her as 'My Ella.' You'll be playing and realize you're alone and then ask me, 'Where's my Ella?' You love your siblings, grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles. You're very smart. You like to ride your tricycle and now you even ride the big quad (you call it your 'moto'). Thank you for being safe because it makes Mommy nervous, but I love that it makes you happy to ride. You don't like when Daddy has to work but you're happy when you get to bring your tools and go with him. Love you so much. Thanks for showing me and telling me every day that you love me too.
Your Favorites:
Food: Milk, Eggs, French Fries
Movie: Toy Story
Show: Peppa Pig
Playtime Activity: Race cars, Dominoes or Blocks, Playing with your 'guys' (little Toy Story
Playground Choice: Slide
Outfit: Buzz or Woody Jammies
Best Friend: Daddy and Ella
Places to go: Nonnie and Papas, Grandmas, Costco, Library
Ella Vita,
Age: 3
Weight: 30.9 (50th %)
Height: 36.5 (30th %)
You love dressing up, being a mommy to your dolls, and riding your bike. You've been pedaling for a long time now and you can ride super fast around our driveway. You like to sing and dance. I'm tempted to say that you're becoming a Daddy's girl. You love going to the hardware store with him (where he gets you popcorn) and you two love the hot tub. Maxwell makes you laugh harder than anyone. You love all of your family and I often find you in deep conversations with them on your play cell phone. You like to help me cook. You are curious and funny. You like to play with big girls and make friends at the park. You used to be shy, but you're becoming very friendly and social. I have a song that I've sung to you since you were an itty baby and now you ask me to sing it. That makes me so happy. Thanks for being our sweet girl. Love you peanut.
Your Favorite
Food: Daddy's BBQ Sausage, Orange Juice, French Fries, Pizza
Movie: Olive The Other Reindeer (even though it's sooo not Christmas anymore)
Show: Max and Ruby and Peppa Pig
Playtime Activity: Riding your bike, Dominoes, Dress Up, Water colors
Playground Choice: Swing
Outfit: Your pink, terrycloth beach dress. Over anything.
Best Friend: Maxwell
Places to go: Nonnie and Papas, Grandmas, Costco, Borbas, Library, Trader Joes (because
you love the little carts).
You are both potty trained...YAY!!! You both love the beach, which is my favorite too. You love to do crafts (I need to get better at coming up with stuff) and you will each tell me in the morning you want to go to 'someone's house.' Like me, you get antsy when we don't get out so it's good for all of us to get out and about. We had your 3 year appointment yesterday with Dr. Battle. You were both so good and happy at the whole appointment- then you were devastated when you got shots. I should have prepared you for that. I didn't want you to be nervous so I didn't say anything, then- BAM! Out of nowhere, OUCH. Sorry guys, I blew that.
Being parents of twins continues to amaze us. I think the biggest blessing is watching the relationship between Maxwell and Ella. They are absolutely best friends, always aware of the other. They laugh, play, argue...then laugh again. I often feel like I'm watching from the outside. Like I don't actually get what's going on between them but they're laughing so hard that I'm laughing just because I'm happy. That's what these past three years have given me. Contentment. Even on the worst day, I have my kids and that's enough.
Maxwell Daniel,
Age 3:
Weight: 34.3 (75%)
Height: 38 (50th%)
You love milk, Toy Story, numbers and your family. I think you tell me 15 times a day that you love me, and it's usually unprompted. You give hugs and kisses and you are so, so silly. You like to make people laugh, especially Ella. You refer to her as 'My Ella.' You'll be playing and realize you're alone and then ask me, 'Where's my Ella?' You love your siblings, grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles. You're very smart. You like to ride your tricycle and now you even ride the big quad (you call it your 'moto'). Thank you for being safe because it makes Mommy nervous, but I love that it makes you happy to ride. You don't like when Daddy has to work but you're happy when you get to bring your tools and go with him. Love you so much. Thanks for showing me and telling me every day that you love me too.
Your Favorites:
Food: Milk, Eggs, French Fries
Movie: Toy Story
Show: Peppa Pig
Playtime Activity: Race cars, Dominoes or Blocks, Playing with your 'guys' (little Toy Story
Playground Choice: Slide
Outfit: Buzz or Woody Jammies
Best Friend: Daddy and Ella
Places to go: Nonnie and Papas, Grandmas, Costco, Library
Ella Vita,
Age: 3
Weight: 30.9 (50th %)
Height: 36.5 (30th %)
You love dressing up, being a mommy to your dolls, and riding your bike. You've been pedaling for a long time now and you can ride super fast around our driveway. You like to sing and dance. I'm tempted to say that you're becoming a Daddy's girl. You love going to the hardware store with him (where he gets you popcorn) and you two love the hot tub. Maxwell makes you laugh harder than anyone. You love all of your family and I often find you in deep conversations with them on your play cell phone. You like to help me cook. You are curious and funny. You like to play with big girls and make friends at the park. You used to be shy, but you're becoming very friendly and social. I have a song that I've sung to you since you were an itty baby and now you ask me to sing it. That makes me so happy. Thanks for being our sweet girl. Love you peanut.
Your Favorite
Food: Daddy's BBQ Sausage, Orange Juice, French Fries, Pizza
Movie: Olive The Other Reindeer (even though it's sooo not Christmas anymore)
Show: Max and Ruby and Peppa Pig
Playtime Activity: Riding your bike, Dominoes, Dress Up, Water colors
Playground Choice: Swing
Outfit: Your pink, terrycloth beach dress. Over anything.
Best Friend: Maxwell
Places to go: Nonnie and Papas, Grandmas, Costco, Borbas, Library, Trader Joes (because
you love the little carts).
You are both potty trained...YAY!!! You both love the beach, which is my favorite too. You love to do crafts (I need to get better at coming up with stuff) and you will each tell me in the morning you want to go to 'someone's house.' Like me, you get antsy when we don't get out so it's good for all of us to get out and about. We had your 3 year appointment yesterday with Dr. Battle. You were both so good and happy at the whole appointment- then you were devastated when you got shots. I should have prepared you for that. I didn't want you to be nervous so I didn't say anything, then- BAM! Out of nowhere, OUCH. Sorry guys, I blew that.
favorite things,
third birthday,
three years
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