Maxwell and Ella,
These past two months you have brought our family love and so many smiles. We watch you closely- looking for the little ways you change and grow every day. You have taught me...
* You like it when I sing to you when nobody is around (even if I can only think of highly inappropriate songs on the spot)
* There is no better smell than Burt's Baby lotion on you after your baths
* Sometimes, boogers have to stay there because you HATE when I pull out the blue boogie bulb * I am a patient Mom. Though I am not perfect, God has blessed me with calmness
* You are individuals. You may be twins but you are each unique in your appearance and personality
* When I'm not sure how to comfort you, you settle down when you are laying on your Daddy's chest
* Maxwell just wants to be cuddled. ALWAYS.
* Ella need only bat her big eyes at me and I melt. A puddle on the floor I tell you.
* When talking with other adults, I struggle to not talk about babies and how many times a day mine poo
* I am so very proud of you both. I beam when we introduce you and I hear my heart gush, 'I am their mother'
Two months and our lives are completely changed. I love this life.
Another video of baby pictures at two months...because I can't help myself
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
No Rest For This Breast
I'm trying not to feel like all I do is breastfeed, but Ifeel like my life is defined by nursing. I am grateful that the babies are able to latch on and they are growing. I am grateful that it doesn't hurt horribly. I just didn't anticipate how emotionally draining it can be. It breaks my heart to have one of them crying hysterically while I'm feeding the other baby. I'm not able to feed them both at the same time yet, but I am going to contact a lactation specialist to see if they have any tips. I just thought it would be easier...and I'm tired.
On a happier note, Maxwell and Ella got to spend the last couple days getting loved on by their great grandmother to come soon...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Go Michael
As I sit here eating my Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ben and Jerry's ice cream, Michael just set off for a quick 40 mile ride. Michael is training for the 2009 AIDS LifeCycle- A 7-day, 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles. To read more about it, check out his website here and consider supporting an amazing cause...and an amazing guy :) Love you Michael Charles~

Growing Like Weeds
Mike and I took the babies to their 5 week checkup yesterday. Have I mentioned that Max and Ella are celebrities? EVERYWHERE we go people are enamored with them. Obviously we think they are the cutest babies ever, but the attention we get is unbelievable. We walked into the pediatrician's office and the front desk receptionist jumps up, "Max and Ella are here!" She whispers to us, "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but your twins are the doctor's favorite patients." At only 5 weeks. Unbelievable.
(Yes, I'm already a bragging Mom. But wouldn't you?)
Max and Ella then...
(Yes, I'm already a bragging Mom. But wouldn't you?)
Max and Ella then...
And Now...
7 pounds, 5 ounces
21 inches long
6 pounds, 4 ounces
20 inches long
(Please pretend I'm not talking in an obnoxious baby talk voice)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Family Visit
Babies entertained on the patio by Grandma and cousins- thank you!
Max and Ella's first night out to dinner
Maxwell and big cousin Lauren
Maxwell and Ella brought us our family from Seattle. The Benvenistes spent part of their spring break meeting the babies and spoiling us with their company. I felt like a grown up again with adult company- going out to a yummy dinner and even an afternoon wine tasting. We had such a great time and can't wait until this summer when we get to spend more time together and see the rest of our Washington family...we miss you all and think about you lots.
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